Feminine Mysticism in Art:

Artists Envisioning the Divine - the DVD

This colorful and inspirational animation of transcendental art, synchronized to uplifting music, is a stunning collaboration of artworks by over fifty contemporary visionary artists from an assortment of spiritual traditions. The purpose of the DVD  is not only to document a genre of art referred to as feminine mysticism, but also to reveal powerful images of the Divine in his/her myriad forms.   The DVD gives the reader more of the genre, as we couldn’t publish all the images in one book, and includes inspirational music as well.  Not only is it an excellent promotional tool for the book, it has the potential to reach a larger audience.

Some of the contributing visual artists are Martina Hoffman, Maura Holden, Mark Henson, Daniel Mirante, Amoraea Dreamseed, Daniel Holeman, Paul Heussenstamm, Blaze Warrender, Mariela de la Paz, Francene Hart, Victoria Christian, Hrana Janto, Suzanne Deveuve and several other mind blowing transcendental artists.  The musicians include Sasha Butterfly, Elijah and the Band of Light, Kan’ Nal, Montana Soul, Heather Noel, Prema Mayi, Duane Light and Susan Garret and Nancy Bloom.

The DVD was released to market in 2007 and has sold over 1,000 copies.  It is currently being distributed by Amazon and Starshine Arts in Eugene, Oregon. The DVD is now on tour and is being used for promotional purposes at spiritual conferences and sacred music/art festivals around the world such as Dance International, The Glastonbury Goddess Festival, The Gaia Festival, The Oregon Country Fair, The Harmony Festival, Faerie Worlds, Burning Man, Women of Wisdom Conference and many more. 



musicians on DVD

Elijah and the Band of Light:  www.bandoflight.ning.com
Kan'Nal: www.kannal.org
Sasha Rose: www.sasharosemusic.com
PRema Mayi: www.premamayi.com
Nancy Bloom:  www.spiritinbloom.com
Heather Noel: www.cdbaby.com/cd/heathernoel
Montana Soul: www.myspacae.com/montanasoul
Duane Light: www.peaceinthelaw.typepad.com/



"The mystical feminine has a vital part to play in the present work of global healing and transformation. Feminine Mysticism in Art: Artists Envisioning the Divine awakens us to her central role. These images speak directly to the soul, reminding us of her eternal presence, her power and beauty."
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Ph.D.

"This stream of astonishing and often haunting images of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Union created by contemporary artists will encourage us to embrace a new reality--that an exclusively masculine image of the Divine is not, and can never be, whole--without Her."
Margaret Starbird, author of 'The Woman with the Alabaster Jar'

"It is time in the evolution of human consciousness to recognize and honor the Sacred Feminine. It is time to bring an awareness of the omnificence of the Goddess into balance with the omnipresence of God.The most fundamental way to achieve this awareness is through visionary,visual art. Perhaps the greatest collection of contemporary visionary art of the Sacred Feminine is now made manifest in this epic DVD presentation titled, 'Feminine Mysticism in Art: Artists Envisioning the Divine,' produced by New Paradigm Productions. This virtual art gallery of powerful images and compelling music will entice you into a rich and luscious meditation of the Feminine face of God and encourage you to contemplate Her diversity of expression, symbolism and gnosis as never before. It is time to unveil the Goddess and receive her wisdom, and as you gaze into the sublime and striking images of her myriad of countenances that are revealed in this presentation, you will be reminded of Her ancient mysteries, magic, muses and magnificence."
Amalya (Amy Peck), The Goddess Studio of Escondido

“Feminine Mysticism in Art: Artists Envisioning the Divine,” is a luscious and lovely look at the soul of the Divine Feminine… a feast for every eye … and quite literally “nourishing” to the bodies and hearts of women … and men! Let this divine offering go forth into the world and do its work … a film inspiring us all with softness and power, beauty and creativity,holiness and hope. Blessed be!”
Ava Park, Director of The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County

DVD Artists Envisioning the Divine